Be aware that there are, what my friends and I like to call, British-isms. For example, you will here the mention of a weight measurement in Stones. 1 stone is about 14 pounds. Some of the spelling is different as well, but not so much so that you can't figure out what it is -- learnt = learned, etc. There are a few things that you feel may move too fast or that don't go deep enough into the story, but I had no issues moving on and continuing on a journey along side Tyana, Marcus, Karim, and Rebel. Did I mention that Karim and Rebel are unicorns? No? Oops! There are more where they come from.
I don't want to go too far into detail because this is genuinely a good story and I want you to read it! I just wanted to point out the things that may cause you to stop reading the book making you miss out on a good story! There is love, friendship, action, mystery, and much more. It is really a well rounded adventure. If you act fast, you can get this first installment for free! Just head over to the Unicorn Witch facebook page and get a coupon code to use on Smashwords. If it isn't your thing who cares? It was free! If you like it, buy the next two books at a very reasonable price ♥
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